The Trinity River Fall Run Chinook salmon are now starting to trickle in, but very slowly! The Lower Klamath has only harvested 2,241 Fall Chinook salmon as of September 9th….
The Trinity River Willow Creek Weir is supposed to be starting installation Monday Sept. 8th. The river is in summer flow now so we will see what happens. I plan…
The Trinity River Fall Chinook salmon fishing season opened Sunday September 1st. You are allowed two salmon per day with one adult over 22 inches, Six salmon in possession with…
The Trinity River Weirs; the Junction City weir is working as usual and should be removed sometime around Sept 1st, but the Willow Creek weir will not be installed until…
The Tribal Ceremonies are now being done on the Mid-Klamath which will cause some river access closures. Please respect these areas for the short time access will be restricted; Aug. 11th to…
The River Restoration project above Junction City is still providing lots of turbidity for that area of the river and makes for bad fishing. Will it do to or for any…
TRRP: The Trinity River Restoration Program is working on restoration project. I have been receiving reports of the river being dirty from just below the Round House down to below Junction City…
Sorry not to make a report last week but I was down south in Fresno to meet with some old cronies I used to work with.The Trinity River summer flows…
As the Trinity drops the salmon are starting to move into the river. The upper river is seeing more bright fish and Greys Falls is seeing more salmon holding. I…
The New Emergency Spring Salmon Fishing Regulations for the Klamath River Basin have been released to the public! It is official, I got the word Thursday from CDFW about noon, the…
At the April Fish & Game Commission meeting in Sacramento, the commissioners accepted a petition for listing the Spring Chinook salmon as a threatened species, thus causing an Emergency Regulation for…
At the April Fish & Game Commission meeting in Sacramento, the commissioners accepted a petition for listing the Spring Chinook salmon as a threatened species from the Tribes and notified the…
The snow reports are in and final. The Trinity Alps are 128% of normal and the Sierras are 130% of normal for this time of year. This indicates a very…
Now that the Trinity River water releases are back on schedule, we saw high water flows in the Willow Creek area of Big Rock and Kimtu Beach. (5,475cfs) This was…
Trinity River water releases were supposed to be 1,050cfs but due to the problems at the Lewiston water gate, which is still under repair, the true releases are 2,524cfs…
For the next week or so it looks like we will be getting some light rains or scattered showers. It doesn’t look like enough rain to make the rivers rise…
Finally the Feds have allowed the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to euthanize the sea lions, (Protected by the Federal Marine Mammal Act) on the Columba and Willamette Rivers…
A dangerous condition has occurred on the Trinity River just below Hawkins Bar. Around the bend from the Hawkins Bar access the river cable that marks the river for aircraft,…
The rains and scattered showers have kept the Lower Trinity in a state of high and milky water. The upper sections of the river are in good shape for fishing….
I hope everyone had a safe and Happy Saint Patrick’s Day. The PFMC (Pacific Fisheries Management Council), posted their preliminary estimate for fall run Chinook salmon for the west coast…
Finally, we are seeing some of the rivers dropping to fishable conditions. As I write this column, I am watching the Trinity drop in front of my house. (I watch…
We are finally seeing a break in the weather for the Trinity Valley. That is good news, because of all the flooding along the North Coast, The Eel, Van Duzan…
At the Feb. 6th California Fish and Game Commission meeting, the Karuk Tribe and the Salmon River Restoration Council submitted a petition to the Commission suggesting that declining population trends…
The trouble is that the official Groundhog is frozen back east so he can’t come out! MEETINGS: California Fish & Game Commission: Feb.6 CFDC meeting to be held at the…
For the past week it has been good weather and the rivers have been dropping at a fairly steady rate. The Trinity has been looking good for the last couple…
More rain and then some sunshine sounds great. This makes for more water storage, just what we need. One little thing, Governor Newson plans to try and add another 300,000…
Thank you for being patient as I am still learning to use windows 10 and having some difficulties. This year’s Federal California water projects could possibly take a hit to…
I hope everyone had a good and safe New Year’s weekend. I have to apologize to all my readers for not having a Fishing Report for the last several weeks….
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and was able to enjoy family together. We had a good rain last week. This last storm brought the Klamath Valley 3 to…
Who did it? The different Guide Associations and Guides have been trying to get the U.S. Forest Service and the Lower Trinity Ranger district to fix the South Fork Sandy…