TRINITY RIVER FISHING REPORT – June 19, 2023 From Willow Creek, CA. By E. B. Duggan “D” Fishing, 707-599-2357 at A belated “Happy Father’s Day.” I hope all you fathers had…
Sorry to have been gone so long. I had surgery and was unable to use the computer. I appreciate that all of my readers missed the fishing report so I…
Trinity Lake is just over one third of capacity when it should be filling up! WHY? Because Bureau of Reclamation is waiting for parts to repair the tube that supplies water…
Trinity Lake is just ove rone third of capacity when it should be filling up! WHY? Because Bureau of Reclamation is waiting for parts to repair the tube that supplies water…
On Monday, Spring arrived and we are looking at new growth all around us. As I look out the window, I see the fruit trees starting to bud and tiny…
The Bureau of Reclamation will still be releasing winter releases from Trinity Dam into the Trinity River until March 14, 2023. March 5th 6th there will be a bump up in the…
Sorry I missed last week’s publications as I had a medical problem and was not able to type.The Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) with the Trinity Management Council (TMC) have agreed…
With the storms we have had, why is the California Department of Water Resources going to release 60,000Af of water from Trinity Dam into the Trinity River? Because it is…
Winter steelhead were being caught before the rains came in the Lower Trinity. The rains came and the rivers raised which made fishing harder. Before the rains the lower river…
The Trinity River is Steelhead Green! But where are they? I have been searching the Lower Trinity for fishermen and have only found a few and they have only been…
According to the computer it is predicting clear weather all next week with a cold of 32 degrees. This looks and sound like steelhead fishing weather if the prediction is…
Sorry but I have been out of the area down south and got caught in the floods below Sacramento. I have traveled Hwy 99 many, many times and have NEVER…
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. With the Winter Solstice passing the Duggan Clan has had a new addition which has made everyone in the family very…
Happy Holidays to all of my readers and I wish you the best for the New Year. I am sorry I missed the last week but I was with family…
We now entering into winter weather type of fishing as the weather has turned into some freezing mornings with some snow on the mountain tops. Winter steelhead are now starting…
The Willow Creek Weir has been removed and it looks like the peak of the salmon runs have made it through Willow Creek. The Winter Run Chinook salmon peaked out…
Correction: Last week I wrote that “Pearl Harbor” was Nov. 7th please forgive me but it happened on December 7. 1941. I was thinking of my birthday coming up. Yes, I…
Today is Nov. 7th,2022. On Nov 7, 1941 the United States of America was attacked at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. As President Roosevelt stated “a day of infamy”. I was a…
Finally the fires are contained as fire crews are now doing mop-up action. The problem, because fire crews are doing mop-up operations most of the public fishing accesses around Willow…
The fires are still burning but the containment lines are holding so far. Because of the steep terrain the management team is letting the interior burn and that is why…
It has been smoky off and on here in Willow Creek due to the Fires, Six Rivers Lightening Complex. The fires around Willow Creek have made internet a problem due…
It has been very smoky here due to the Fires, Six Rivers Lightening Complex. The fire in Willow Creek is not bad as it is across the river. The Friday…
It has been HOT, this last week with more to come. That is the forecast for the weather. I am not sure if the river is too hot for the…
The salmon are flying up the river because the river is HOT!! Water out of Lewiston Dam is 56.9 degrees at 10:30am what will it be at 3pm this afternoon?…
Well, the Fourth of July came and passed without any serious incidents on the rivers or in the forests. We do have one incident in the Sierras down by Yosemite….
Steelhead surveys have been done by the Watershed Research and Training Center on some cold-water tributaries of the Trinity River. They found a surprising high number of Redds (gravely beds)…
The Spring Salmon have been running through fairly strong last week. The Hoopa have been netting good quantities of them as they move up the river. As the counts goes…
The Trinity River is in summer flows now and will drop to winter flows in October. The river is flowing steady at around 450cfs with water temperatures in the low…
The Trinity River is holding steady at this time as is Trinity Lake. With the snow pack almost gone, I wonder just how well the lake will hold up through…
The Memorial Day Holidays are upon us which unofficially starts the beginning of summer, I hope yours were safe and fun. Governor Newson has asked the California Water Board to impose…