SpringChinook salmon fishing is going to be tough this year. Wednesday July 1st the In-River spring salmon fishing season will open on the Lower Klamath and the Upper Trinity. The Kamath…
Happy Soltis, Saturday was the longest day of the year and officially the start of summer. It also was Father’s Day. We are now going into the HOT summer days…
Sorry about no report last week but I couldn’t find anyone home for a report so I had nothing to report.July 1st, Trinity and Klamath Rivers will open for…
The new fishing Regulations are out! July 1, Trinity River opens to fishing for Spring Chinook salmon; 1salmon (period) per day 2 in possession above the South Fork of…
With the COVID-19restrictions still in place where does one go to fish? That is the question? The water releases are on their way down but will still have some increases…
Spring water releases are still in effect and much of the Trinity is unfishable at this time. The valley had a little rain this pas t week but not enough…
Both the Klamath and the Trinity are releasing water into the rivers making it almost impossible to fish and on top of that the coronavirus has us on “shelter in…
The coronavirus pandemic appears to be slowing down for the U.S. and California. At least there is some consideration of lessoning the “shelter-in-place” restrictions in some areas. Let’s hope that…
Happy Easter! Today we are celebrating Easter at home! The COVID–19 virus has us all in a “shelter in place” situation that requires us to stay at home on our…
It seems as though I made a mistake about the Trinity River Hatchery releases last week and I would like to correct them. The 2019 TRH egg recovery for 2019…
With the Trinity River Hatchery returns and the egg collection there is a question of whether Fall Run Chinook salmon, Coho salmon and steelhead will be sustainable on the Trinity…
Because of the COVID 19 virusthe PFMC meeting in Vancouver Washington has been changed to a webinar type of meeting so it is going to be hard to get public…
The first results for PFMC Options for this coming salmon season are out for review. You can go to www.pcouncil.org or https://wildlife.ca.gov/Fishing/ocean/Regulations/Salmon/Pre-Season to review what they might be. I have not seen the 3…
Over the past 20 to 30 years, I have attended many of the Klamath Fisheries Management Council (KFMC now federally sunset) Pacific Fisheries Management Council (PFMC) National Fisheries Management Service (NFMS)…
As you know, I attended the salmon meeting in Sana Rosa last Thursday February 27th. It was very enlightening and the prognosis was not very good for the Klamath River Basin In-River…
I am already seeing daffodils blooming, big leaf maple trees with sap flowing and fruit tree buds swelling. These are all signs of spring. SOOO, I ask again “Is winter…
Winter steelhead fishing is fair to good depending on when the fish are moving up the Trinity. I have received phone calls about why the steelhead and salmon fishing are…
This weekend was Super Bowl and I would expect that many of you were watching the game instead of fishing and that is ok but winter steelhead fishing is here…
January usually brings weather! What kind is the question? According to the National Weather Service we are supposed to see a break in the weather this next week. Because of…
2020 brings in a new year, a new fishing season and possibly some new regulations. The one thing we all need to do is turn in our steelhead report cards…
I hope this doesn’t upset you, my readers. I do appreciate your continued support and readership. The New Year brings with it, new changes. My Outdoor Buddy has merged with…
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New year. As usual I had our Christmas down south with the Duggan Clan. It just keeps growing! While I…
I wish all a great Christmas and a Happy New Year with some great winter steelhead fishing. It is winter steelhead fishing time and the weather is making travel hard…
I hope all had a great Thanksgiving with family and hope you are getting ready for Christmas. I was away for Thanksgiving and with family down south and stuffed…
We have a small weather depression last week that brought a few showers. Enough to make the ground wet! The good part was that the Hoopa Weir was removed and…
There are salmon and steelhead down in the Hoopa Valley but none up river! By now, there should be lots of fish in the Upper Trinity but no one has…
Sorry about no report last week but my area was on “Safety Power Shut Off” due to PG&E for Northern California.It appears that this is going to happen more often…
Fall weather patterns are in the valley. Nights are chilly and the water in the river is really cooling down. The trees are taking in their autumn colors and leaves…
As I am writing this report it is raining! In the last several days it has been overcast, showers and cloudy in Willow Creek. This type of weather pattern usually brings…
The Trinity River Valley has fallen into the old weather patterns of years ago. We are experiencing weather patterns like in the 1950s and 1960s, rain in September now if…