We had some rain this past week but not enough to help Trinity Lake. The good news is the river at Willow Creek is dropping and some fun can be…
As most of you know by now the Trinity River Releases are in process and the river is very high, good for rafting and great for kayaking but terrible for…
We are in our third year of drought and the California Reservoir System is in trouble for water storage. Of the 17 reservoirs for the Central Valley Water Project only…
Last Sunday, Spring came upon us with light showers, since then we have experienced nice weather with the possibility of another light set of showers to close this weekend. I…
The Pacific Fisheries Management Council first alternatives for ocean fishing are out and they look a little better than last year. We still have next month for the final recommendations…
When will it end? You take the shots, take the booster, now they say you may have to take another booster. I think most of us are fed up with…
We have seen some nice weather for the last three weeks with no rain and no snow to the higher elevations. This is not good for the spring water flows…
The good news is that winter steelhead are being caught down in Hoopa. I have been trying to find out if anybody was catching anything other than ½-pounders. This is…
I am sorry I have not been able to make a report for all you great readers. As you are aware the power has been out for many of us…
The Trinity Management Council (TMC) met on December 8th and 9th. On Dec. 9th the TMC Director Mike Dixon called for a Closed Session to discuss “Channel Rehabilitation Scope of Work”. What was discussed…
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and didn’t get too stuffed with turkey and pie. A wise man (Mark Twain) stated; Whiskey is for Drinking; Water is for fighting…
How do we manage the water supply? One thing that is NOT considered is the population to water need! As the population grows our water supply stays stagnate. The state…
Traveling Hwy 299 for fishing is going to be difficult to choose. You are going to have to make the choice of fishing the Upper Trinity or the Lower Trinity…
On Saturday October30th the Willow Creek weir blew out due to the river high water flows. If you are fishing in the area and find any parts to the weir, would…
The Chinook salmon quotas for the Upper Klamath and Upper Trinity have been met for adult Chinook salmon on Sunday October 24. As of October 25, 2021 you can only…
From all of the reports I have received and what I have been able to see fishing is starting to pick up. It seems a little late but the fish…
The Monument and River Complex fires in Trinity County are still burning as well as a new fire the Fawn Fire north of Redding. Son now we have several fires…
Not fun! First, we had 100 plus weather, then heavy smoke, so thick we could hardly see across the river, then came the Knob Fire that got within five blocks…
Well the Monument Fire along the Trinity River has taken a toll! As the fire moves east it has devastated Big Bar and Big Flat as it slowly moves east…
It is not bad enough to have 100 plus temperatures but now we have the added feature of fire along the Down River section of the Trinity. The good…
Yes it was hot Sunday(102) but it looks like we are in for a cooling down period in the next few weeks. Now if we can just avoid any…
Triple digit weather for all of last week was great for rafters and sun bathers but hard on fishing. Last week was a doosee. It was HOT all week and…
The prediction of Triple Digit Heat for next week is going to be hard on the fishing and the people. Wednesday July 1st was the opening for Spring Chinook…
At the time of this writing it is 101 degrees and at end of the day it was 112 degrees. The water in Hoopa was 77.9 degrees. Salmon can survive…
At the June 14-15th California Fish and Game Commission meeting listening to the dozen or so Tribal speakers and only one sports fisherman decided to list the Upper Klamath Spring Chinook…
The beginning of summer, Memorial Day, and the boat races have passed and Father’s Day is here. With those Holidays passed and present summer is officially here June 20,2021 FATHER’S…
Memorial Day Weekend to many is the start of summer. With temperatures reaching into the 100’s it does remind us of summer. It also starts the warming of the…
C. Shasta hits down migrating juveniles between the Shasta River and the Scott River. 70% of the juvenile salmon trapped in the Upper Klamath showed they were infected with…
The CDFW proposed salmon Regulations for 2021; Klamath Spring Chinook salmon; July 1 to Aug. 14 one salmon only jack or adult, (you land a salmon you are don…
The Trinity River spring water releases have started. Today Sunday May 2, 2021 at 11:00am Lewiston Dam is releasing 1,406cfs into the Trinity River. The sad news is that the…