Yes, we have had some rain on the North Coast and some more inland. Saturday Sept. 29 it rained in Willow Creek and over on the coast in Eureka. We…
The 2018 Fall Chinook adult salmon quotas for the Trinity River could possibly be met by October 10 if there is not a large in flow of Fall Chinook salmon. I say…

The Information Session: Services for Small Business Owners in Eastern Humboldt held Wed. 19th September at 6pm at the Willow Creek Community Services District drew a small crowd but everyone…
The 2018 Fall Chinook adult salmon quotas for the Klamath Trinity River basin have been met for the Lower Klamath River from the Weitchpec Bridge down to the mouth of the…
Salmon season opened on the Trinity Saturday September 1st. The Willow Creek weir is installed and operating with a new addition, an underwater video camera. The intent is to try…
On August 13th, Ed Trujillo passed away. Ed fished the Trinity River for over 35 years. The group of Trinity River fishermen lost another of their Trinity fishermen. Many of…
It is all over the news about the fires; the Carr Fire has Hwy 299 closed and the Mendocino Complex has Hwy 20 closed; so it would be very hard…
Every year there are River Closures for Native American Ceremonies; it is that time of year again! The Closures are: August 6 – 15: Ferry Point River Access area. Launching…
The weather here in Willow Creek has been HOT!! The weather forecast for the last week here in Willow Creek has been far from accurate. We have been having temperatures…
I have been harping about the formation of moss and algae on the Trinity for years (about 10 to 15yrs) and the California Fish and Wildlife have done very little…
Sorry about last week but I took the day off for Father’s Day and spent it with family. I have received many calls about what is happening with the fishing….
We are finally starting to see some Spring Chinook on the Trinity River. It has taken some time what with all of the flow changes that have been going on. The Bureau…
The fishing industry is seeing new attacks from our legislators about fishing tackle and fishermen should be aware that if we don’t stand up as a group we will all…
This Memorial Day is nice with sunshine and clear skies. We should take a minute to remember all those in the service serving our country and those who served our…
I hope everyone had a great Mothers Day and those of you who do fish just maybe you had a great day of fishing. The last couple of weeks the…
The month of May is going to see several water flow changes on the Trinity River. The releases are going to be fluctuating from 800cfs up to 1,700cfs with several…
I finally tracked down the Klamath River Basin In-River Sportsmen Fall Chinook salmon quotas for the 2018 season. Total In-River quota is 19% of the Harvestable Surplus Fall Chinook salmon…
Last week the computer said showers for last week and I estimated that the river would get a little dirty and maybe rise some. That is what I get for…
I hope everyone had a Happy Easter and a great day with the family. The California fishing community is on hold right now waiting for the PFMC to make a…
The PFMC will meet April 5 – 11, 2018 in Portland OR with a final report on the quantities of Chinook salmon in the ocean for the 2018 salmon fishing…
To start off we have the TIMECHANGE which means that it is still dark out there when you get up. Yes the fish have no eye lids and don’t sleep…