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by Mario Guel January 29, 2025

Winter is coming….maybe.

Often, I wake up and I think, “Where is my mind?” That has nothing to do with steelhead fishing but just life in general. Then I have coffee, have a poop, look at Charlie, then remember that I have a job to do. Row someone down this sacred place that has been pummeled in the past by humans thirst for gold. These hills and river beds were destroyed before, so let’s try not do it again. Destroy the spirit of the river I mean. Yeah, they killed all the fish off once before but they are back. The wild life in the water has returned, but they are limited to how far up the river they can go by a giant wall of rocks that we call a dam. They call it, “What the f*&# is this?”

So where was I last week?! Oh yeah! Fishing with amazing people who I am so lucky to have as clients and friends. Guess what!? It didn’t stop! Blessed I’d say but the work that goes into making sure people know that the Trinity River is an option for a release and a recharge is hard. It’s judged, it’s controversial, it’s fun, and boy is she pretty.

Mundy Shredding in the Pontoon. How sweet is that?

Dave. It’s crazy because Dave is related so much to my past and part of the reason I am now living this life. Dave used to work for the company I worked for when I was a Silicon Valley minion. I don’t say that in a derogatory way, I say that in a way of admiration. The Silicon Valley is a land of a lot of opportunity. If you can find your way into one of those tech companies, and if you are willing to do the work, it’s very lucrative. And it can support a family…or an amazing coke habit. However you look at it, it’s America and we are so lucky to have that option in our lives. Dave and I lived it. He worked with my brother and some other people I know very well way back during the “dot com” days. Then somehow, we ended up at the same company when I was 28. I am now 45.  We both don’t do tech anymore, and we both are now fishing on the Trinity River, together. How’s that for a change? Pretty god damn good. DAVE! Love ya bud. 
Dave! He lost two biggies during the day but this fish gave him so much stoke. My man!

He hooked into a monster right away and about 15 minutes after a 30 minute lesson of how to fly fish. Probably the fish of a lifetime. See, Dave has a new profound love for fishing and living his best life. And in that journey, has only fly fished twice. Five years ago with me, and then January 23rd, 2025, with me. Therefore, he is green and I love green. All the greens.  So, after saying in our lesson, “Let em’ run, don’t pinche the line when it happens!” (yes “pinche”, not pinch), he may have done that 10 minutes into floating down the river. And we all saw it. It was BIG, beautiful, and swimming away with a fly in it’s mouth…Hey Joe! Did you see that? Joe is his buddy who he met in Oregon and brought down to fish with me. Ends up Joe has seen the Taco journey, engaged in it in the past and then met Dave who ends up knowing me. How’s that for destiny? So we journeyed down the river, stoked as all hell and landed a few fish. Best part, Joe landed a 15 pound hen in a river up north prior to this trip and never once gloated about it or said, “I did this bro!, your fish aren’t real!” Instead, he brought great vibes and a good heart into the boat, and when we caught the nice buck at the take out, he gave it a kiss to say thank you. Telling you, I just love my clients. And boys, thank you for an amazing day. I literally have THE BEST clients. 

JOE! What a rad fish. Thanks buddy. 

Then the birthday boy showed up. Well the first of two birthday boys in a week. Jose Luis, or better known as”JL”. I met JL through the gram and through Brown Folks Fishing. Yes see, we make a safe space online for us brown folks to meet other brown folks to have a nice safe place to enjoy the river because sometimes, a safe space in the outdoors doesn’t seem that when Johnny Fuck Fuck is over here pissed off just because you showed up. Yeah, so we made our little squad and he decided to join me for a float here at the Trinity for his first bout of steelhead punishment. And in that journey, he decided to bring a legend  who is his good friend, Rojelio. Never fly fished before, and came prepped with tequila. Right away, well after a 45 minute class on how to use a fly rod, brown people were roll casting, a tequila shot went down, and then shortly after, bobbers went down, but the fish just kept showing us their middle fingers. Oh wow and were they fish. Small, big, and all of the above; but who really gives a shit? Oh yeah, the kook at the bar does. But he’s an idiot anyways. Later in the day, Rojelio landed his first fish on a fly rod! He did it. And was very calm about it and replied with a quiet, “Sick.” Literally was so chill about it. But I could hear his heart screaming for more. So much so, he decided to sit down for a while, not fish and say, “Wow, this is peaceful.” And he did that twice. Now to me, that is a 10000000 times better than landing a fish in my boat. Seeing someone just genuinely enjoying the river. Again, I am blessed to show and watch people enjoy this place.

So now let’s talk about JL. My MAN! He touched a couple of solid steamers. The ones we look for and guess what, he was humbled. Perfectly humbled. Congrats my man. You have been steel-headed. Happy Birthday. Can’t wait for the next one. We will get em’ next time. But probably not. 

This brings me to Ashley. Yes, Waders_and_wildrags on Instgram. And yes, the same homie that was here last week. And yes, we have wayyyyyy too much fun. This fool is like my sister and I love watching her enjoy her life on the river or at the lake or at the bar. Amazing. First day up we had Palinor in the boat. I had two bad ass ladies that know how to fish and I was honored. The weather was a nice “windy as fuck, blue bird skies as fuck, and how much cold do you want you fuck you idiots”. Therefore, it was a battle to get em’. Battled we did and fish we landed. Palinor’s first fish to the boat was a pretty epic one. She landed it in the kind of spot where you get one shot in fast moving water. She hit the spot, got the fish and we all smiled too much. Then Ashley high stuck one in a small little back channel where I said, “high stick here, you might get one.” Cool! She also said that it was one of the best fish we caught on the river. Not big, not small, but perfect. And guess what, she has caught fish WAY bigger than that one. See, it’s about the experience, the stoke, the company, and the anything that makes you feel a special way. Not the size. Unless you’re compensating for something. These ladies are not compensating for anything. They already have it all. So then we rolled on down the beauty that we call the Trinny Trin Trin Trin, and here she goes, finishing of this amazing day saying, “I like it when I roll into the take out with a fish on…”. BOOM! FISH ON! And guess what? The take out is coming up. Amazing. Thank you ladies. How does it get any better? I don’t need it to. 


Day 2 with Ashley and she brings Mundy. Have you heard of Mundy? My dude. From Pyramid, to Alaska, to Almanor, to Trinity River. Mundy and I have fished a lot of shit together. So stoked to have him in the boat. And yes Ashley, I am so glad you bring the people you do. They are amazing. I can’t say where we went on this report, you can read about it on the Juicy Report. But holy shit, did they trust me with with their lives. Really, they had no choice. Right away, boom. Big fish on the swing with a fucking bobber. Take that you purist kooks. Big ole’ fish on the swing on a nymph and it owned us. We saw it, I watched Ashely swing it up, and battle it, that’s fine enough and guess what. The boat was fine with it all. No bummer at all. Genuine stoke on a solid hook up. So much fun…now we just have to stay alive. And we did. Then, we continued to laugh, smile, and shred on down the river. Amazing day. And guess what? Another take out fish. Yep, Mundy did it this time. A big ole’ hen we battled into the rocks, under the boat, into a tree, an arms length away from the net, and then finally INTO THE NET. Boom, the one we have been looking for. Epic Trinity Steelhead. What a day with two of my favorites. Thanks for trusting me not to kill you guys. Love ya!

Then I got to sleep in. A half day with my other homie and other birthday boy, Tanner. Dude, I love Tanner. We have been fishing with each other for a few years now and he has been supporting from the beginning. THANK YOU! What an epic half day. Be brought Pops out and I love fishing with him and his Dad. I have been trying to get his Dad into a tank for years now and shit, these fish are assholes. Had a nice middle fin show itself again! Ha! But Tanner was able to bag out a few fish for a nice beautiful bday present. Happy Birthday buddy. I really appreciate you and your Dad for coming out. What a great half day and sorry the river is so damn fast. 1500 is fast…but enough for us to enjoy. BROWN TOWN BABY!

And so now I am home. Literally farting my life away. Maybe not away but it feels like it. Off to Pyramid tomorrow to stare at old lava fields and a bobber in a salty lake. I can’t way. I just hope I don’t forget my baby wipes. 

– Love Mario