Oh and I forgot this one…
by Mario Guel Dec 29th, 2024
Well in all the madness of ending a small stint on the Trin and then going to MagBay, I had forgotten to write a report before I left and after I came back from MagBay. It was with my good friend Julia and her friend Gwynne. “Gu-when” like “cuando” in Spanish. I have a hard time remembering names sometimes and I would sometimes call her Gwin, or Gah-win. Pero, Cuando is her nickname. I like that!
Thank you Julia! It was a nice cold morning. Water was low and clear. I had decided to fish a part of the river that has been more consistent for me after the first blow out of the season. Julia has been supporting me for a while and I am super grateful for her. Not just as a client but as a good friend too. As always, my goal is to get her into a brown and an adult steelhead. Browns on this river are never guaranteed but for some reason, I try to manifest the browns more when she is in my boat because they are special to her as she hadn’t landed one until last year on my boat. She has been fishing this river for a long time and through all of those floats in her past…no browns. BOOM! Brown in the boat!

Yep. I pretty little brown in a run with somewhat fast water. Ain’t it pretty.
What I liked about this day is that the cloud cover stayed with us most of the day. We timed it perfect so that when the sun came out, we were in the areas of the river where we needed to be where there was shade. I love it it when a plan comes together.
Gwynne was the hot stick of the day. She was roping and actually landed the biggest buck of the season in the boat. An epic battle! We were parked up doing some tandem casting in a fast run when she hit the outside lane just perfect. The buck jumped immediately and I knew we were in for a ride. I picked up the anchor and we were out! Heading down the river backwards as she was in the back of the boat. Epic battle and the hooked popped out as soon as the fish hit the net. Epic fish and epic battle.

I always wonder why I struggle getting the bucks in the boat and I think I know what it is. I don’t care enough. Any fish is good.
The fishing was good the entire way down the river with some halfies and a few more adults to the boat. I couldn’t get Julia on her adult but we tried hard and she fished good! Sometimes, it just doesn’t happen. And that’s okay! Crazy part is, each time Gwynne would hook up, it was right after Julia’s flies passed that same part of the run! It’s just the way fishing is sometimes and it’s why I love it.
Take this big ole hen for example. Julia’s flies went through the run, and as soon as her’s passed a certain point, Gwynne’s were right behind hers and Gwynne’s indo goes down. GO FIGURE!
But again, that’s fishing. And that’s steelheading too.
What a great day though. I had a blast with these wonderful ladies and can’t wait to get on the boat again with Julia and anyone else she brings along. Her company is always pleasant and we laugh a lot. This job is fun. When I am not aching all over the place.
I’ll be back Jan 7th, water should be around 800cfs if there aren’t any storms or blow outs. Check out the current flows as I type this!

Some fresh big ole wild fish might be around when we get back at it. Excited.
And remember, I love fly fishing, I hate fly fishermen. Men that is. Fly fisherwomen are always pretty damn rad.