Trinity River Hatchery

More on the Trinity River Hatchery

 It seems as though I made a mistake about the Trinity River Hatchery releases last week and I would like to correct them. The 2019 TRH egg recovery for 2019 Fall run Chinook salmon was 980,459 of the 6 million eggs needed. (correction) TRH usually collects around 6 million eggs to be able to rear 3.8 million Fall…

PFMC options for Klamath River Basin (Trinity)

The first results for PFMC Options for this coming salmon season are out for review. You can go to or to review what they might be. I have not seen the 3 Options yet so I will not comment as to what is going to happen. I do hope that the PFMC does not cancel the March…

Will there be a salmon season?

As you know, I attended the salmon meeting in Sana Rosa last Thursday February 27th. It was very enlightening and the prognosis was not very good for the Klamath River Basin In-River Sports Fishermen. The beginning estimate for In-River Sports Fishing for the Klamath River Basin was 900 to a 1,000 returning fall salmon to be split…

The creeks they are arising

January usually brings weather! What kind is the question? According to the National Weather Service we are supposed to see a break in the weather this next week. Because of the rain that is melting the snowpack most of the creeks feeding the Trinity are flowing very good but are starting to drop which allows…

River Fishing Improving

As I am writing this report it is raining! In the last several days it has been overcast, showers and cloudy in Willow Creek. This type of weather pattern usually brings in fish, both at the mouth of the Klamath and into the Trinity. This is great news for the fishermen that have been waiting for…