
And More Winter Weather Coming

  The Bureau of Reclamation will still be releasing winter releases from Trinity Dam into the Trinity River until March 14, 2023. March 5th 6th there will be a bump up in the release 800cfs so flows will be going back up again. April 15, 2023 the TRRP and TMC adjusted Spring Releases will start. Will the 60,000…

What is the TMC up to?

The Trinity Management Council (TMC) met on December 8th and 9th. On Dec. 9th the TMC Director Mike Dixon called for a Closed Session to discuss “Channel Rehabilitation Scope of Work”. What was discussed and what was decided? The public was NOT privy to this information nor were they able to join the discussion for Channel Rehabilitation. The Record…

Spring Chinook Fishing

   SpringChinook salmon fishing is going to be tough this year. Wednesday July 1st the In-River spring salmon fishing season will open on the Lower Klamath and the Upper Trinity. The Kamath will be open from the Weitchpec Bridge down to the mouth of the Klamath. Limit; one salmon only, 2 salmon in possession. (this means a…